Brief 883 ist Brief 882 in englisch

Von: Gerhard Olinczuk / bündnis GRAL -
Gesendet: 30.01.2023

The Eternal speaks

For insane-castrated Judaism:

Once upon a time, TWO met somewhere in the middle of nowhere. And so one asked the other: "Who are you"? "I Am", the latter answered. The curious one thought for a moment and asked: "Is that all“? "I Am is enough", testified the asked. The former thought longer, and then announced: "I am MORE“! "Oh yes", replied I Am, "and what is this, this MORE"? "Well", MORE replied, "I'm human and I have a SELF". "Then you have put a heavy burden on yourself", revealed I Am to the other, "and I smell how much your SELF stinks, Jew! Everything you think you have actually has you. And so MORE does not raise you, rather it subjugates you and makes you its servant! And you are solely responsible for this. And all the consequences of this do not make you a victim, but a perpetrator! The earth does not belong to you, Jew, and will never belong to you! And as long as you think it is different from what I reveal and testify here, and you act accordingly in your delusion, as long as you are cursed and damned by your SELF! And your bible is worth less than a bunch of dog shit”!!!

This also applies to the „New Testament”! Because whoever speaks of "Our God" only testifies to a foul-smelling idol that man once created in/with his SELF-understanding! „Our“ means having!

I ask you

Does a bunch of dog shit say, "Trust me!"? Does someone pave their way with dog shit and follows then its stench? Is that stench an expression of the trustworthy goodness of a genuinely believable character? Does this modem reflect the unspoilt attitude or the honest righteousness of a sovereign? IIs it not really the case that the stench of that dog shit is ratherto be interpreted as a credible warning: "Stop and turn around lest you step into that stinking heap and then appropriate its manure stench so that it sticks to you and you take it with you wherever you go?“

Truly, truly, truly

Weapons are always and certainly the stench of the worst shit f the worst shit

Those who need weapons on their way are undoubtedly walking in the evil spirit of wrong and its darkness. And nothing testifies to this evil spirit more clearly, than trust in its stench; neither in the boundless sky nor on the timeless earth! Yes, all those who trust the weapon, i.e. give it meaning, whose stench does not stick to their shoes, but is always found in their thoughts, words and actions. They stink from every pore of their existence, YES, whose self is the expression an earth-encompassing and world-pervading stench, that toxic slurry of putrefaction, decay, death and decay - loathsome, infernal, horribly-repulsive, indescribably and unbearably-inferior.

Do you hear me, Olaf and all your kind? Your stench reaches into the boundless sky! It is the stench of the supposed victims who are in fact the real perpetrators. You instigated this war, at the latest in early 2014 on the Maidan, when you used force of arms to put pressure on Ukrainian President Viktor Yanukovych to leave Ukraine. This is a fact that cannot be belittled or reversed. And if you still talk about a "Russian war of aggression" in the media, over and overagain, you do so solely because you know that it is a lie. And hope at the same time that you will succeed, to be able to turn the lie into a truth that you can then believe. This will no and never succeed, but only enrich and deepen all that stench. Because today the West is undeniably defending what it seized on the Maidan in 2014 by force of arms and in violation of international law, i.e. unjustly annexed!

So I testify to you

Olaf Scholz and his federal government, as well as all those who follow non-spirit, are worth less than a pile of dog shit. And whoever trusts this scum, they trust a cesspool full of millennia-old manhole filth and gutter shit.

And my word stands

Ich BIN. Und ruhe ich im Staub gebettet, hierin mein Wort Geschrieben steht für die Ewigkeit.

I Am
The Risen, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ and Anti-capitalist, so Anti-fascist
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
Gallin, 30. January 2023