Brief 975 ist Brief 974 in Englisch
The Eternal speaks
And am I the voice of the universe
On Tuesday, December 19, 2023, at 12:28 p.m. I wrote:
Dear ladies, dear gentlemen
I'm telling all you
There are quite a few people in religion and politics who are at the top, pretending and thinking they are important. But they are worth less than a pile of dog shit!
They smell like hell and they shit of EVERYTHING!
All those who allow themselves to be of shit are also responsible and guilty!
The only person who is credible is someone who knocks on my door and asks!
That's all! And it is written in the dust and is valid forever!
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive
On Saturday, December 23rd, 2023, at 2:02 p.m. I wrote:
To and for Dieter Nuhr, German cabaret artist and comedian, about the show: Nuhr 2023 - annual review
So Dieter
In all your looking back, you have simply neglected to look at you, i.e. at your SELF! You probably don't see yourself or don't want to look at yourself because you don't be as Truth and you're afraid of having to see what's only left of you?!
Therefore I want to do it for you now and make it known!
So Dieter
You are certainly not a holy dog, but simply a cheap and perverted mutt on a leash of Semitism. YES, Dieter, the Semites have you firmly under control and are keeping you corruptly and tightly on their leash. They really knew how to train and manipulate you well. You have surrendered yourself to their pathetic control, shining in their spotlight, yapping to their wishes and therefore not smelling your bestial stench.
All of this means, that you, can neither define yourself nor anti-Semitism, and you don't have the slightest idea about Semitism. You eat up the hollow applause that caresses your vanity without really satiating you! YES, Dieter, you are so cheap that no amount of shouting can drown it out!
And I ask for mediation
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive
December 23, 2023