Brief 1085 ist Brief 1084 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity

Ich bezeuge Euch

All self is a realized lie 

To the question in Spiegel-Online, today, Wednesday, November 27th, 2024

             Why is it possible in Lebanon what is not possible in Gaza? 

Israel and Hezbollah have agreed on a ceasefire. The draft for the agreement comes from Washington. How it came about. And why the situation in Gaza is so much more complicated.

I want to answer this question

The opening of the answer is:

There is no 2-state solution 

Listen and look

This is only the Opening of the answer, i.e. the opening recognition or, the recognizing opening of the path to those goal, that unity, freedom and peace defines and contains. This is the YES to the answer.

For the German and European media

The AllianceGRAL is holding a federal party conference on Friday, November 29th, 2024. At this party conference we decide to change our statutes:

In point “02 Admission and withdrawal” of the statutes we are expanding the possibility of membership. So it now means that anyone who has the nationality of a member state of the European Union can now become a member.

I once again call for all German resistance to gather in the Alliance GRAL. Resistance means that all those who not only know that politics cannot and will not bring about change, but also do not want politics to convince themselves and the people of this and then even try to do so should come together. The Alliance GRAL is ready to take part in the upcoming federal election in February 2025 and has therefore already sent the necessary notification of participation to the Federal Statistical Office. At the last federal election in 2021, we were rejected by the Federal Returning Officer because, in his opinion, the alliance had too few members. What mattered to him was the Form, not the content. I will be available in my home in the next few weeks. I invite and am open to invitations. No other party can achieve the spiritual majority that is necessary to bring about a healing change. This is certain. The selfaggrandizement of that overestimating selection, YES, this self-dramatization of an unbearable pomposity and lust for power, this degenerate imposture, this must be put to an irreversible end.

Verily, verily, verily

No religion, no politics and no ideology will save all you. They will make everything worse. More, further and deeper with every hour. It has been told to you, it is written here. You all have to do decide! YES, you all have to do! 51% of those eligible to vote, following a true spirit, are necessary to turn the emergency around. Anything else will certainly lead to the apocalypse. This  is written in  the  light of Holy Wisdom. It’s more serious than ever before. The degeneration and contamination have progressed to such an extent that only a radical, consistent and thorough spirit of truth, wisdom and salvation can prevent further widespread horror.

I am the answer to all your questions.

And: Truly, I am ready to lead Germany and Europe, as well as to open the door for the End to all conflicts.

And my word is valid in the boundless heaven and on the timeless earth

Am I the face of those who come towards me and the back of those who follow me.
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
November 27, 2024