Brief 1093 ist Brief 1092 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity

For the global collective of all peoples and nations

Verily, verily, verily I open it to all you

Listen and see what I see and say, even if I repeat myself in some ways

This war excess in Ukraine is by no means a war of aggression by Russia or a war by Russia against Ukraine. No, this excess is clearly and undoubtedly a war between the Western Alliance and Russia, which was launched against the existing government at the end of 2013 by means of a deliberate, prepared and armed coup by the West on the Maidan in Kiev. The Ukraine is the playground of this murderous conflict, and truly comparable to the Trojan Horse in Greek mythology. This Ukrainian Horse was equipped with weapons and equipment by the West between 2014 and 2022, in the evil spirit of that cunning and insidiousness, which is reflected, as well as in the insatiability and greed, also in the hopeless control of God-Idol-Mammon. Vladimir Putin then opened the Gate and pulled that horse into Russia, foolishly allowing himself to be drawn into this Lie and Deception.

Hear me Vladimir

I know you are closer to peace than the West ever could. So let your combat troops pause where they are now. Agree to a front line of stasis, thereby establishing a ceasefire in which your army neither advances nor retreats. Zelensky and the West are measured by this. If they really want peace, i.e. if they want an immediate end to all fighting, they will have to agree to this first step. All credibility and seriousness are hereby weighted. YES, this is the first step towards true peace. And am I ready to accompany all further steps on the path to cure.

Like the West, Volodymyr Zelenskyj knows nothing about peace. This is evidenced by the fact that he only asked for money and weapons in the West, but never for peace. And the West only responded to this request because He cannot be interested in something He knows nothing about. This also undeniably proves and guarantees that the only values of the West are coins and weapons, i.e. those two feet on which Zelensky also stands.

A ceasefire not only means the end for Volodymyr Zelensky, but also means the loss of all Western money that has previously flowed into Ukraine. This also means that Ukraine, detached from Russia and the West, is now falling on its own feet in order to rise up, reorient itself and find its own way. Neither Russia nor the West determines whose help or guidance is legitimate. That front line of stalemate, it is truly the border between Russia and the West, which Ukraine will not only let go of, but will also no longer control in the future. Rather, they are now required to stay out of the process, to withdraw gradually and to keep their mouths shut rather than lecture them about what they know nothing about.

I call for an end to the fighting with all weapons, to open the GATE of peace.

It’s more serious than ever before. The degeneration and contamination have progressed to such an extent that only a radical, consistent and thorough spirit of truth, wisdom and salvation can prevent further widespread horror.

I am the answer to all your questions.

And: Truly, I am ready to lead Germany and Europe, as well as to open the door for the End to all conflicts.

And my word is valid in the boundless heaven and on the timeless earth
Am I the face of those who come towards me and the back of those who follow me.
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
December 8, 2024