Brief 1113 ist Brief 1112 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity

There is a photograph on the originel letter text

Holocaust Remembrance Day / Auschwitz as it really was. A guest article by Ernst Piper - Spiegel-Online

The Auschwitz concentration camp was liberated 80 years ago. The day is now observed as Holocaust Remembrance Day. But we run the risk of forgetting what we should actually remember.

My answer on January 27th, 2025

The Holocaust, including Auschwitz, was and is the consequence (effect) of a cause. Every consequence (effect) points to a cause. The consequence does not want a memory, but rather the resolution of the cause. She calls for this. As an omen, she is the calling authority. Because the consequence knows the path to the cause.

Every pain has a cause. If you don’t find the cause, you will suffer from the pain forever.

Karma demands the transformation of cause and effect as the only trump card for healing (dissolution, redemption).

Therefore, every memory of a consequence (effect) is not only worthless, but also deeply threatening if it does not attempt to understand its cause. This is all the more so if the cause is consciously and intentionally suppressed. Not resolving a cause certainly and unavoidably opens up repetition after repetition of the consequence, i.e. the effect, the calamity of which deepens as well as expands.

There are forces that work in this evil spirit. The role of victim defines the broadest definition of perpetratorship.

If you do not understand, the cause lies with you.

If you want to understand, you should come see me.

If you don’t want to understand, you are guilty.

I would like to make another comment

Those who use the cause of the disaster in order to gain an advantage, he are the ones who then present themselves as victims of the self-inflicted consequence. YES, he are actually the victims of their own responsible perpetratorship. His perpetratorship becomes the altar of hisvictimhood. He open up a subsequent victim in order to maintain his perpetratorship. The perpetratorship is hidden by bringing the victim consequences to the fore, elevating and sanctifying them. (memory culture) It couldn’t be more perverted. And only when they admit her perpetratorship, i.e. take personal responsibility (self-reflection), only then does the dissolution of their victim role open up.

The ALTAR represents, on the one hand, the crypt of the perpetrator and, at the same time, the cradle of the victim role. The Magazine „Der Spiegel“ only looks at the surface of the cradle, but does not look down into the depths of the tomb. This is hypocritical, limited and pathetic. 

In order to walk the path of transformation, you need footwear that is visibly present!

By the way: Auschwitz was not liberated, but captured, taken over and passed on.

If you want to become credible, that is, be credible, then you will have to take a different path.

This requires footwear of courage and humility.

And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
January 27, 2025