Brief 1067 ist Brief 1066 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity

This is a message to Iran, to Lebanon and to Hezbollah

And I bear witness to the global collective of all peoples and nations

Testament of the Unborn

Man is a spiritual entity 

Listen and look

Yesterday I received this text from a friend:

A Woman-member of the state parliament of the BSW state parliament from Brandenburg said: “A war has never been ended by weapons.” “But the Second World War was ended by the weapon,” shouted an SPD-member of the Bundestag.

My friend recognized, that the MP didn’t have a clear answer when she then said: "That was a very special situation.“

My friend asked me for an answer!

Well, I wrote to him that it wasn’t a weapon that ended World War II, but only surrender. First the surrender took place by Germany, and later also in Japan, through the surrender of the Japanese imperial family, after the second atomic bomb was dropped.

I would like to point out here: Surrender means insight and does not express weakness, but rather strength!

However, to claim that a war was ended by a weapon is the height of stupidity. Such stupidity not only commanded the march through the colonial era, but also controlled all subsequent gun madness into modern times, including the wars in Ukraine, Gaza and Lebanon, i.e. the entire Middle East.

It is correct:

A weapon does not start a war, wage a war, or end a war. The weapon is a dead tool. This dead tool is only "born"as a weapon through the ideologically perverse belief of a degenerate bastard, who takes the weapon in his hand and marches off with it, incapacitated. The weapon knows nothing about this! So the hand gives "life" to the weapon so that it kills for the hand! The hand follows an idea, a thought - the thought of that perverted bastard. The weapon  knows nothing about this either.


As long as incapacitated bastards pick up a weapon, commanded by degenerate and perverted fascists, and then march off incapacitated and stupid, there will be wars. Weapons won’t change this!

And as long as members of the Bundestag raise their weapons above their own reason, fascism will have the upper hand in Germany.

Woe to all you

Verily, verily, verily

Am I the face of those who come towards me and the back of those who follow me.

And my word is valid in the boundless heaven and on the timeless earth
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
October 04, 2024