Brief 1069 ist Brief 1068 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity

This is a message to Iran, to Lebanon and to Hezbollah

And I bear witness to the global collective of all peoples and nations

Testament of the Unborn

Man is a spiritual entity 

The increasing anti-Semitism in Germany, which is complained about in the media, means, that Judaism itself is, without exception, responsible for this anti-Semitism, above all the Central Council of Jews, with its president Josef Schuster. Yes, Josef Schuster in particular contributes greatly to the hostility. Not only does he have the deep hopeless perplexity on his face, but on his forehead shines the thousand-year-old arrogance of those banal victim role This victim role not only hides all the duplicity, hypocrisy and treachery in its darkest dungeon, but carries it before him as a holy ark of the covenant.

I would like to point out once again that anti-Semitism has nothing to do with hostility towards the Jews, otherwise it would probably be called anti Judaism. Anti-Semitism is directed solely against Semitism, which hides as an aberrant facet of Judaism. YES, as a well-disguised horn of degeneration, evil, arbitrariness and Abyssality. Anyone who does not differentiate between anti-Semitism and hostility towards the Jews, but equates, he them will never find answers to the questions that are hiding from him. If you don’t understand the causes, how will you transform them? How can someone heal if they don’t know what the real illness is? Hate doesn’t go away by banning it, Ms. Faeser! Or do you really believe that you can prohibit dead fish from floating with the current? I know, you’re so crazy, YES, in the stupidity of your overestimation of yourself. 

I have repeatedly referred to this in my letters, and I am still willing not only to address this comprehensive topic in open discussions, but also to examine and transform it in an enlightening manner. Semitism is the foundation of hubris, absolutism, overconfidence, racism, fascism, xenophobia, lack, hatred, devaluation, subjugation, control, incapacitation and plunder. The beginnings of Semitism can be found in the Old Testament and extend through the entire history of space and time. There are numerous indications and testimonies for this, as I have testified again and again in my writings. Precisely the vicious, blasphemous blasphemy that echoes in the words “Jewish life”, YES, this deeply wicked derailment, it alone points irrefutably to the perverse degeneration and depravity of the Semitism that is inherent in Judaism.

Life” is a universal quantity, this quantity not only outshines everything real in space and time, but also outlasts it without exception. So anyone who subjects the word “life” to his vanity, i.e. clings to his self, i.e. misuses it for this purpose, he equally devalues everything that is not inherent in his vanity, i.e. his self-importance. Thus, “Jewish life” globally devalues everything that is not Jewish. No form of vanity defines absolutism and racism, i.e. degeneracy and abnormality, more clearly and intensively than when nationalism define life.
Josef Schuster is truly a complete idiot. It’s understandable that this fuzzie treats his own hostility with fear and hatred. In fact, he now has to expect at any time in public that, like many others, he will be beaten up by all those he denounced, whom he himself invited to do so in a xenophobic manner. Maybe they’ll beat his mouth of Jewish Lies until he begs toothless for mercy. He’d better keep his mouth shut before. 

Benjamin Netanyahu is also pushing forward the genocide in the Middle East because its space-time is just as Jewish, like Schuster. YES, the despotism of all colonial times still rages in the hubris of the globalized and comprehensive incorrigibility of the imperialists, the fraudsters, the impostors, the know-it-alls, the insatiable good-for-nothings and the noisy gun nuts, i.e. in their disoriented, directionless and hopeless Continue-So

Silence and letting go 

When everything has been said - and words are enough,
and shown to the world the plague, of all the lies and deception!
So heaven’s true spirit bears witness to earth,
that the goodness never bows to rabies!

If the call of Unborn is not heard in the tumult of time,
whose realism blindly clamors - so hollow, and so far:
This is how the Eternal sanctifies himself, wise and right,
in silence and forbearance - quietly and justly!

Parable of the Warrior 

“Where are you going?” I ask the strangely dressed man as he storms past me. He holds a rifle in his right hand and carries a first-aid kit on his left shoulder. “To war,” he answers, “to make peace.” Oh yes, and why do you need the rifle?” I ask, trying to keep up with him. “The gun is my jurisprudence, I use it to argue and convince,” he explains and his step becomes quicker. „And the first-aid kit,” I now want to know, “what is it good for?” “This is what I provide to those I have convinced,” he explains to me and storms off. “And what about those you can’t convince,” I call after him, “are they then peaceful?” “Sure, like death,” he throws back to me over his shoulder, and I recognize fear and madness in his voice. “Wait a moment,” I ask the hurried person and step over to him. “Don’t your opponents also have rifles and first aid kits, and therefore the same Intention to peace as you?” “Certainly,” answers the soldier. “Are your bullets more credible arguments in a better rifle or is your first aid kit more healing and your peace more just?”, I challenge the warrior. “What stupid questions are these,” replies the dutiful man, adopting a threatening attitude. “I act on orders, do what is necessary and don’t ask questions.” “I know,” I assure him now, “that’s also the reason why I’m asking you the questions that you unfortunately neglected to explore!” “Get out before my rifle answers!” says the reprimanded one angrily. “Answers?”, I ask. “What kind of answers? If you can’t give me any answers, what else could
your gun tell me?”

Listen and look

Man will never be able to resolve all the conflicts that he causes and is responsible for as long as he represses them. This is especially true for those who always assume the role of victim and believe they are blameless. Here Judaism advances and advances. There is nothing that the alleged victim fears more than giving up his victim role, YES, because he would immediately be confronted with his guilt, with his lies and his injustice. He would no longer be able, to put them down at the door of a other person. But as long as the alleged victim can continue to be a victim, so long he will continue with all his arbitrariness and his despotism. Benjamin Netanyahu and Volodymyr Zelenskyj follow this evil spirit. The others are always responsible and guilty!

I know very well how to end the wars in Ukraine and the Middle East. And there is no one else present who could do this. The reason for this lies in the depth of the causes. All are perpetrators, all are victims: But everyone is more of a perpetrator than a victim because every victim role is based on complicity; means: The victim is responsible for his victim role.

I would like to warn you once again about Frank-Walter Steinmeyer, who is rotten through and through. This applies to all other political farces and absurdities in Germany and Europe. I also warn against Nancy Faeser, who actually believes that she can eliminate problems by banning them. This is so ridiculous that there are no words for it. I warn against all the despots who bluster and warble about “Jewish life”. These are formed and controlled by hatred for themselves without knowing it. They continue to stir up all the mischief so that they can then swing the stick. The hellish ghetto set up by those in power, that is, the global labor and concentration camp, has reached its limits. Capitalism is preparing an unimagined mass grave. Those responsible are without answers to the problem questions that are rising every hour and the horror of which is taking on threatening characteristics. Gun terror is omnipresent, and politics is checkmate like never before. The hopeless horror of climate change transcends every horizon. Only the  hopelessness reaches higher and further.

Religious-political-ideological totalitarianism has brought humanity to the gate to the apocalypse. Their tyranny and despotism clamor into the boundless heavens. Drudgery and torture have reached a limit that the wildest imagination could not even begin to imagine. Stupidity and ignorance outshine everything. The worst parasites and parasites in human history cavort in the spotlight. They stand there and regard everything that has happened in their existence, which they do not understand because they stand so high and do not look deeply.

Sure, you can give me the Nobel Peace Prize and also the Literature Prize. But it’s all of no use if all you don’t listen to me. That's everything!

Verily, verily, verily

Am I the face of those who come towards me and the back of those who follow me.

And my word is valid in the boundless heaven and on the timeless earth

And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
October 08, 2024