Brief 1073 ist Brief 1072 in Englisch

The Unborn speaks

And am I the voice of the universal all-unity


A resolution to protect Jewish life, such a dictate truly and irrefutably establishes and defines the furthest, worst, most perverse and most profound absolutism imaginable in contemporary and human history. No fascism has ever  been more threatening, no madness has been more ominous, no madness has been more apocalyptic.

Wanting to protect so-called Jewish life by dictation nevertheless means that everything non-Jewish is without value and therefore not worth protecting. This decree elevates the Jewish above everything that is not Jewish, i.e. above the uniqueness and its creation, above heaven and earth, above being, above everything seeing and hearing, above everything spiritual and its perception. This resolution truly believes itself to be more substantive, greater and holy than the unborn and timeless, omnipotently and absolutistically diagnoses that everything that is not Jewish is inferior and flawed, i.e. second-class, primitive and pathetic, and must therefore submit to Jewish authority. This Jewish life devalues and condemns all other thinking, i.e. everything foreign and unknown, defines and determines universal immaturity, imposes global bondage and dictates uncontradictory obedience. This commandment unmistakably testifies to that biblical fascism, i.e. that patriarchal Semitism, which not only strives for global control, but also wants to force it unstoppably by all means. This is about the control that was already formulated as an unjust and rotten lie in the Old Testament in Genesis 1:28:

Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it, and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the birds of the air, and over every living thing that creeps on the earth.

This is the announcement of a genocide against all otherness, i.e. the clear announcement of a comprehensive and therefore apocalyptic battle of annihilation against all resistance of the holistic creation, as already attested to by Noah in the Old Testament. This is not a theory.

Regarding Annalena Baerbock's statement: "Just do your job", this statement is truly a revelation of the deepest misery, YES, a testimony to immaturity, to heteronomy, to disorientation, to immaturity, to paternalism, to corruption, to servitude, to dependence, lack of freedom, irresponsibility and Abyssality. Annalena Baerbock defines the job as a benchmark and sees it as the highest and most sacred thing. The job is her god. She doesn't have a job, but the job has her. She works according to the given structure of the job. She serves and serves the job without thinking, without doubt, without questioning, without contradiction, without searching, without self-reflection, without a real answer and without success. She does the job solely for herself, solely for self-satisfaction, to compensate for her inner inferiority complex. She uses the job as confirmation of her hopeless self-image, and therefore always tries to do everything she can to keep her job. And there’s nothing she fears more than losing him. She appears as if at a fashion show and only presents her external appearance. She is a system whore, rotten through and through.

The same applies to Olaf Scholz, who does the job of Chancellor. There is nothing more. So don’t expect anything!

Pragmatism is always and only required where there is no answer, just an ignorant idea. And where an ignorant idea prevails, only ideology is inflated. The answer, however, is never pragmatic.

Those responsible for the disaster, they are all doing only their job. Hence all the trouble.

No religion, no politics and no ideology will save all you. They will make everything worse. More, further and deeper with every hour. It has been told to you, it is written here.

And: Truly, I am ready to lead Germany and Europe, as well as to open the door for the End to all conflicts.

Am I the face of those who come towards me and the back of those who follow me.

And my word is valid in the boundless heaven and on the timeless earth
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist 
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive 
November 6, 2024