Brief 1117 ist Brief 1116 in Englisch
The Unborn speaks
And am I the voice of the universal all-unity
Silence is the master of the word
Truly I say to all you
Friedrich Merz has already failed. He doesn’t know the answer or the way. He doesn’t know anything at all. He is in deep panic, in this panic opens the decline, and that decline defines panic. He has no friendship with Emmanuel Macron, but only the attitude of a loser. YES, Merz and Macron are like-minded people. And like-minded people use each other as echoes, which echoes can neither call nor hear on their own.
The wickedness that Annalena Baerbock projects onto Donald Trump (Tagesschau from March 1st, 2025 at 8:00 p.m.),this wickedness is not new, but her own, which she has now undeniably revealed to the whole. Tell her.
I warn you again about Frank-Walter Steinmeier, who already served as a crutch for Gerhard Schröder.
Certainty stands and goes alone and requires no security. Security is only the crutch of insecurity, thus testifying and revealing clearly, unmistakably and irrefutably that cripple who neither knows how to stand safely nor how to walk alone. YES, security is the standing and walking aid of all lower attitudes, corruption, venality and bribery, thus the prosthesis of the impostor, the card-sharp, the liar and the cheat. They fear nothing more than the Enlightenment; so the light of truth.
To Volodymyr Zelenskyj
Volodymyr Zelensky was not humiliated by Donald Trump, but rather unmasked and challenged. Zelensky did not overcome the challenge, but revealed, confirmed and secured his failure. YES, Zelensky is the ultimate loser, and with him all those who support him and conspire to hold on to him. That’s why only the losers, Zelensky’s teammates, accomplices and like-minded people, are meeting in London today.
Volodymyr Zelenskyj is a mental cripple who has used America and Europe as a prosthesis and plundered is lavishly. Europe has allowed this perversion of a bastard. Now Europe is the loser, and finally, deeply and irreversibly failed. And apart from me, there is no one present who can heal anything worth healing.
So Volodymyr Zelenskyj
I irreversibly call on you to resign immediately. Even if Donald Trump understandably refuses to continue to serve as a crutch for you, as Joe Biden and others did and continue to do, that does not mean that he isthe answer and knows the way. Donald Trump has simply decided not to allow himself to be humiliated, abused and incapacitated by you and all the other European parasites and good-for-nothings.
Step back and let me put Ukraine on the right path. I am closer to the Ukrainian people than you ever could be.
And my name is
Gerhard olinczuk treustedt
The Unborn, Nameless, Unnamable, Holistic and Indiscriminate
Anti-Semite, Anti-Christ, Anti-capitalist and Anti-fascist
Lover, Knower, Seer and Comprehensive
March 2, 2025